Be Part of Our Community of Dog Lovers
We Are a Kennel Club That Supports Owners and Breeders

A Club Dedicated to the Health and Welfare of Dogs
American Dog Registry Association Club is a purebred and designer bred dog registry and promotes responsible dog ownership. We offer single registration for free and register dogs worldwide as well as in The United States. We are also specializing in rare breed dogs. ADR reserves the right to refuse or rescind the registration of any dog for a cause.
All contact with ADR is handled through email.
Please allow up to 24 hours for responses.
Papers Identification
When you buy a dog represented as ADR registrable, you should receive an ADR dog registration application form properly filled out by the seller. When you complete your portion along with a picture of the dog and submit it, this form will enable you to register the dog. When the application has been processed, you will receive an ADR registration certificate.
Under ADR rules, any person who sells dogs represented as ADR-registrable must maintain records that make it possible to give full identifying information with every dog delivered even though ADR "papers" are not yet available. Do not accept a promise of later identification.
The rules and regulations of the American Dog Registry Association Club stipulate that whenever someone sells or delivers a dog registrable with ADR, the dog must be identified by providing the buyer with a properly completed ADR dog registration application for a dog not yet individually registered or a properly completed ADR registration certificate for a registered dog. If neither of these is available, the person delivering or shipping the dog must furnish the person acquiring the dog with a bill of sale or written statement, signed by the seller, giving all of the identification.

For a Dog Not Yet Individually Registered

For a Registered Dog Breed
Registered name
Registration number
Date sold or delivered
This identifying information must be supplied with the dog even though ADR papers are not yet available, and even to a person who takes the dog only for resale as an agent or on consignment, and the same information must be passed on by them when he disposes of it. When you do receive the properly completed ADR registration papers, verify the papers against your bill of sale to ensure that all the information is correct. Please be advised that a dog will not be registered or transferred without the proper ADR registration papers.
If you are buying a dog that is supposed to be registrable with ADR, you should realize it is your responsibility to obtain complete identification of the dog, or you should not buy the dog. Failure to get ADR "registration papers" causes more grief for buyers of purebred registrable dogs than any other problem except sickness. It has long been common practice to explain the inability of saying, "ADR hasn't sent the papers yet."