The Advantages of Registering Your Dog and Puppy
Welcome to the American Dog Registry Association Club and the future of dog and puppy registries. Our club was started by private breeders with the mindset of helping as many dog owners as we can.
We offer a FREE SINGLE REGISTRATION WITH a no-hassle policy for a club membership. The American Dog Registry Association Club provides quality service for everyone.
We accept all purebreds for club registry, and proven designer breed dogs, unlike other clubs.
Also, we specialize in registering dogs bred outside of the United States. The American Dog Registry Club is growing every year in members.

The Advantages of Registering Your Dog and Puppy
Welcome to the American Dog Registry Association Club and the future of dog and puppy registries. Our club was started by private breeders with the mindset of helping as many dog owners as we can.
We offer a FREE SINGLE REGISTRATION WITH a no-hassle policy for a club membership. The American Dog Registry Association Club provides quality service for everyone.
We accept all purebreds for club registry, and proven designer breed dogs, unlike other clubs.
Also, we specialize in registering dogs bred outside of the United States. The American Dog Registry Club is growing every year in members.